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Feng Shui in Your Home

The Feng Shui Tips - Happiness, Health And Harmony

The term “Feng Shui” is no more new to most of us. As a matter of fact, one might even say that these two terms are now being overused (and even misused). But when it is properly used, this term refers to an ancient Chinese practice that can help bring positive energy, balance and peace to any space. For instance, a little change in the position of your living room furniture can help enhance the flow of energy and thus create harmony in your home. Another thing is that the fabrics and colors in your living room cal also add to the overall balance of the space. 
This is why you should apply a few Feng Shui tips to your family room and its furniture, and enjoy a happier and healthier home life altogether. Go ahead, there is harm in trying!

Fresh, Good Quality Air
This factor is very often ignored, but good quality air is considered to be the number 1 Feng Shui health priority. You can work with Feng shui air-purifying plants, use air purifiers, open the window often to aerate the space and use essential oils to clear the air. You can do whatever you like, just make sure that you find a solution for better breathing air in your home; regular breathing of clean air is the feng shui foundation for your health and well-being. 

Sufficient Natural Light
While allowing you house to get as much natural light as possible, it is also essential to look for smart and intelligent indoor lighting. Once you concentrate on the quality of light in your house, you will start feeling a change in your overall health and well being. Light is also considered to be the number one nutrient which is why it is important that you provide you body with access to enough light nutrition as you can get. You can also use feng shui colors as a source of light as long as the color is light. 

Feng Shui For The Front Door And Entrance
The Chin energy often comes through the front door (which is considered as the mouth), so you should ensure that it is easily accessible, well lit, free of obstacles and clean to allow for easy flow of energy into your home and life. Most importantly, it is necessary to protect them against poison arrows. For instance, if you are planning on renovating, you can fix this by changing the angle of the door. However, if it is an existing feature, you can block these arrows by putting a screen of trees or foliage in the entrance. 

Feng Shui for the Bedroom
Bedrooms are generally considered to be an individual’s sanctuary for protection, privacy, intimacy and peace. So it is important that your bedroom is located away from a noisy street. Feng Shui bedroom colors are best in soothing, light and tranquil shades along with hints of natural greenery to uplift the space. The back corner of the room farthest from the door but diagonally opposite the door is a commanding position that is considered the best positions for the bed in the room. This position lets you see who is entering. This will in turn make you feel calmer, stronger and in charge.  

Create Spa Energy in Your Bathroom
According to feng shui principles, your sense of well-being is very connected to the quality of the energy in your bathroom. I am sure this is not the first time you will be hearing that bathrooms can be very challenging when it comes to the issue of feng shui. This is what makes it even more important to diligently and consistently apply good feng shui to it. It can be pretty easy to create a spa feel in your bathroom but you will have to begin with a very clean and clutter free environment. 

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